Place born
Organisation / Person
1821?-1897, active 1830-1853, etcher; draughtsman, British

Ashley, Alfred

1821 - 1897

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1820-1910, photographer; caricaturist; journalist; novelist; balloonist, French

Nadar, Félix

1820 - 1910

1821-1902, physician; pathologist; anthropologist, German

Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl

1821 - 1902

1821-1885, astronomer; astrophysicist; optical instrument maker, Polish

Prazmowski, Adam Jozef Ignacy

1821 - 1885

1822-1861, optician; photographic equipment manufacturer, Paris, France

Jamin, Ing Opticien

1822 - 1861

1822-1911, biostatistician, human geneticist & eugenicist, English, British

Galton, Sir Francis

1822 - 1911

1822-1896, engineer; civic leader, English; British

Ramsden, Sir James

1822 - 1896

1820-1883, legitimist pretender to French throne, French

Dieudonne d'Artois, Comte de Chambord, Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie

1820 - 1883

1821-1900, illusionist and educationist, English; British

Pepper, John Henry

1821 - 1900

1821-1886, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Adie, Patrick

1821 - 1886

1820-1893, physicist, Irish

Tyndall, John

1820 - 1893

1821-1845, railway company, British

Liverpool & Manchester Railway

1821 - 1845

1822-1907, veterinary doctor; immunologist, Belgian

Willems, Louis

1822 - 1907

active 1829-1895, microbiologist; chemist, French

Pasteur, Louis

1822 - 1895

1820-1910, reformer of Army medical services and of nursing, British; English

Nightingale, Florence

1820 - 1910

Nightingale, Florence

1820 - 1910

Mudd, James

1821 - 1906

Thorneycroft, Thomas

1822 - 1903

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

White, James

1811 - 1884

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingett, James Charles

1811 - 1916

Greener, Thomas

1820 - 1903

Hackworth, John Wesley

1820 - 1891

Fuller, George Leedham

1822 - 1906

Galton, Francis

1822 - 1911

Banks, Isabella Varley

1821 - 1897

Margary, Peter John

1820 - 1896

Nightingale, Prudence

1822 - 1897

1820-1889; engineer; geographer; India; Scottish

Yule, Colonel Sir Henry

1820 - 1889

Green, Henry John

1820 - 1916

Vicountess Hawarden, 1822-1865, photographer, British; Scottish

Maude, Clementina

1822 - 1865

1822-1900, marine chronometer, clock and watchmaker, British

Mercer, Thomas

1811 - 1900

1821-1868, inventor; lock manufacturer, American

Yale, Linus

1821 - 1868

active 1869, inventor; engineer, American; Northern Irish born;

Rider, Alexander Kirk

1820 - 1893

1820-1894, physician, British

Gibson, Charles

1820 - 1894

1822-1890, businessman; field archaeology pioneer, German

Schliemann, Heinrich

1822 - 1890

1820-1883, physician; surgeon, FRCS

Montefiore, Nathaniel

1820 - 1883

1820-1904, first baronet; physician; surgeon, British

Thompson, Sir Henry

1820 - 1904

1820-1914, artist; cartoonist, British; English

Tenniel, Sir John

1820 - 1914

1820-1962, periodical and magazine, London

John Bull Magazine

1820 - 1962

1821-1898, medallist; sculptor, British; English

Adams, George Gammon

1821 - 1898

1820-1897, engineer, British; Scottish

Kirkaldy, David

1820 - 1897

1820-1896, civil engineer, England, British

Margary, Peter John

1820 - 1896

1821-1895, optician, philosophical & photographic instrument maker, London, England

Ackland, William

1821 - 1895

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1823-1914, railway administrator, England, British

Oakley, Sir Henry

1811 - 1914

1822-1892, mechanical engineer, Scots-Irish

Thomson, James

1822 - 1892